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AHRC New York City

Advocating for people with intellectual, developmental, and other disabilities to lead full and equitable lives.

NYSARC Trust Services

AHRC New York City Awarded $30,000 in 2022 Recreation Grants from NYSARC Trust Services

NYSARC Trusts Services grants support guardianship and recreational opportunities for people with disabilities in New York City

AHRC New York City has been awarded $30,000 in grants from the Trustee Management Board of NYSARC Trust Services to support AHRC NYC’s guardianship and recreation programs. 

NYSARC Trust Services administers supplemental needs trusts (SNT) and pooled trusts that can make dramatic improvements to the lives of people with disabilities by enabling individuals to maintain financial eligibility for Medicaid and other means-tested government benefit programs. For 2022, NYSARC Trust Services is proud to fulfill its commitment to enhancing the lives of people with disabilities by awarding a total of $3,189,968 to The Arc New York Chapters statewide. 

NYSARC Trust Services awarded AHRC New York City $30,000 to support new recreational opportunities, enriching the lives of more than 600 people. AHRC New York City used the recreation grant funds to enhance our outdoor programs initiated right before the pandemic. With this funding, we were able to purchase equipment to provide a new outdoor experience utilizing the lake at the Katy Isaacson and Elaine Gordon Lodge that includes kayaking and paddle boarding. The equipment included kayaks, paddle boards, life vests, paddles, and other items needed to offer a safe and fun water activity at the Lodge, which will impact more than 300 campers annually and other attendees during the off-season, weather permitting.  

Furthermore, we used this funding to upgrade 50 tablets for our site-based programs, including afterschool programs and weekend socialization programs for children, teens, and adults, improving options for as many as 329 people.  We also purchased ten drama sessions for our Bronx Saturday Teens via a partnership with Epic Players. At the end of the tenth session, participants presented a show to their families and friends.  Lastly, we purchased tickets to various performances for our community-based programs (Sunday Trips: Adults and City Teens: Teens), allowing a total of 72 people to attend live productions.  

AHRC NYC Katy Isaacson and Elaine Gordon Lodge serves over 300 people annually and the AHRC Outdoor Adventure program continues to grow with over 60 people since its initiation in late 2019. Additionally, we were able to offer participants to various performances, and upgrade our technology at our programs, affecting almost 400 people. Therefore, this funding has enhanced the lives of almost 700 Camping and Recreation participants, all thanks to NYSARC Trust Services.

About NYSARC Trust Services

NYSARC Trust Services has administered supplemental needs trusts since 1972, helping thousands of people with disabilities protect their eligibility for government benefits and improve their quality of life. Our trust programs give people with disabilities the opportunity to maintain comfort and independence in the community while providing peace of mind to their family and loved ones. 

NYSARC Trust Services provides administration of first- and third-party pooled supplemental needs trusts to help families plan for the future of a loved one with a disability, preserve income and assets for Medicaid planning purposes and long-term care needs, and protect unexpected windfalls of money. 

For more information, please call (518) 439-8323 or visit online at 

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