Section: 4.18
Issued: 02.08.2017
Revised: 03.20.2023
The purpose of this policy is to describe AHRC NYC’s process regarding post death record retention.
When a person receiving supports in any certified AHRC NYC facility or program passes away, the program must immediately collect all records pertaining to that person and send them to the vice president of Corporate Compliance. Records must not be modified or destroyed. Before sending, staff within departments should consult with their supervisor/department leadership to understand if they are required to make a copy of these records to be kept onsite. This applies whether the person passed away at the site or somewhere else. The only time that this policy applies to non-certified settings is when an AHRC NYC staff member is with the person at the time of death.
The vice president of Corporate Compliance will keep these records in the Main Office for one year. The mortality review documents will be added to these records and the vice president Corporate Compliance will send them to GRM for storage after one year if there is no litigation on the case. The Corporate Compliance Department GRM account will be used for this process.
The sites can shred the copies they have made as per their department document retention and destruction schedule.
If there is litigation, the original file will be provided to the chief legal officer and/or other agency personnel as needed by the vice president Corporate Compliance. Files involved in litigation will remain at the Main Office under the oversight of the chief legal officer until the litigation ends. Upon conclusion of the litigation the files will be sent to GRM by the Corporate Compliance Department using the Corporate Compliance GRM account.