Pace University President, Marvin Krislov contributed an article to, about the impact of the pandemic on college students, also noting that the pandemic has had some of its most profound effects on communities that were already marginalized, and that we must all be cognizant of those challenges and provide support to help overcome them.
“I’m worried that our students will face lasting impacts from a year without socialization, from a year of devastation, from so much unprocessed grief,” says Marvin. “Whether they’re graduating from high school and preparing to enroll in college next fall, or if they took some time off, or even if they’ve just finished a remote or hybrid year of college and are preparing to return to in-person instruction in the fall, now is the time to help students think about the year they’ve been through and the challenges ahead in college. Conversations with professionals can be helpful. But so can thoughtful, clear-eyed discussions with friends and family.”
Mr. Krislov also recently moderated a panel of the 2021 Symposium, A Call to Action: Eliminating Compounded Disparities for People with Disabilities in a Year of COVID-19 the purpose of which was to inform policy about the disparate impacts that the COVID-19 pandemic has had on people with disabilities and how race, ethnicity, gender identity, and cultural biases affect their quality of life and health outcomes.