On April 13, 2016, AHRC New York City’s leadership staff gathered for a conference call with a representative from the Council on Quality and Leadership (CQL). CQL is an organization of distinction which recognizes agencies that demonstrate a commitment to providing excellent services and supports for people with developmental disabilities by providing official accreditation status. AHRC NYC received official accreditation from CQL, on September 19, 2014, and the purpose of this conference call was to allow the two organizations to reconvene and assess the current status of AHRC NYC’s CQL-related initiatives, 18 months after accreditation.
Checking in with CQL
Included among the materials presented as part of the assessment were media reports, statistics, and testimonials that have been created and gathered post-accreditation. Each of these materials were reviewed, along with an 18-month update report from AHRC NYC. It was an opportunity to shine a light on the dedication of AHRC NYC professionals as they support people with disabilities in building full lives and participating in meaningful community activities. These professionals are the heart, energy, and life force of our journey toward full and consistent person-directed supports. They listen to the people receiving our services and supports to learn about what they really want from their lives, and they follow up by presenting opportunities for people to enhance their own life experiences.
Striving for Excellence
CQL asks that its member organizations to continuously strive for excellence in defining, measuring and improving the personal quality of life for people receiving human services. AHRC NYC is proud to have continued in this tradition, and we look forward to new goals and finding ways to improve more peoples’ lives. We are so proud to thank everyone for their continued support of person-centered excellence, basic assurances, personal outcome measures (POMs), through the little and big things they do every day.
We encourage ourselves, our colleagues, the men and women we support, and their families to have fun, stay positive, work hard, and keep dreaming!