Just like typical brick-and-mortar libraries, Little Free Libraries in our communities have many benefits. Little Free Library is a book-sharing movement among neighbors and wider communities, with positive attributes including free access to books for anyone interested, increased opportunities to enhance literacy for children and adults, imparting financial knowledge, and environmental benefits. Use this map to locate Little Free Libraries in your area.
People supported by AHRC NYC’s Day Services programs have partnered with the New York Restoration Project (NYRP) to install Little Free Libraries in community gardens. They continue to replenish books on an ongoing basis. Books are collected via localized book drives as well as by generous donations from longtime AHRC NYC partner Materials for the Arts (MFTA).
Volunteers supported at Dorothy and Michael Styler Day Services, such as Natalie Thomas and Raisa Soto, have been replenishing the little free library at Glover Community Garden in the Bronx Garden for some time now. They bring children’s books and are proud of these contributions. Volunteers supported at Betty Pendler Day Services are gearing up to support ongoing replenishment at the nearby Suffolk Garden.
People supported at Far Rockaway Day Services currently support a Little Library located at the Seagirt Community Garden. Community Support Professionals Hugh Williams and Ratan Sarkar assist a crew that checks on the library, making sure it is well-maintained and stocked with books. The crew includes Wayne Jacobs, Lee McMillon, Dana Pierce, Miguel Ruiz, Jameeka Anderson, Edward Lovett, and Elvis Henriques. While stocking the shelves, the crew enjoys time in the garden, enjoying the plantings and the atmosphere.
The Joseph T. Weingold program in Elmhurst, Queens has big plans for their Little Libraries. Through the Innovations Grant sponsored by the New York State Association of Day Service Providers, the program recently purchased two Little Library “Kits” that were assembled by people supported (Kevin Rivas, Ranveer Sarwan, Nicolas Acquista, James Sesta, and Jose Zambrano). One of the Little Libraries is bound for the local Community Garden run by New Roots, and the other will find a home on the fence in front of the day program located at 76-09 Queens Boulevard. Feel free to stop by and take a book!