The article, Siblings Realize They’re Not Alone: AHRC NYC Sibshops Unveil Common Challenges is included in the Fall 2020 edition of Autism Spectrum News. The article by Lynn Uhlfelder Berman explores the fears and concerns that siblings of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities develop as they grow, knowing that eventually the responsibility of caring for their brother or sister with special needs might fall to them. Operated by AHRC New York City since the 1980s, SibShops offer opportunities for typically developing siblings to discuss their feelings and enjoy spending time with other siblings who share the same challenges.
“I tell them that this is not something they have to be concerned about now,” says Annette Spallino, Coordinator for AHRC NYC’s Sibshops and Social Work Supervisor with the agency’s Family and Clinic Services “‘What you have to do now is be a kid. What you have control over is what you can do now.’”
Read the Article (on page 11)