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Advocating for people with intellectual, developmental, and other disabilities to lead full and equitable lives.
AHRC New York City

Advocating for people with intellectual, developmental, and other disabilities to lead full and equitable lives.

Within the course of one year, we assist in creating career plans that match the skills and interests of each person.

This service is available in all boroughs, to people who may be enrolled in Home and Community Based Waiver services including Day HabilitationPre-Vocational and Supported Employment services, (and students who are in their last year of transition from school age programs) who have Medicaid and a Care Coordinator.

Pathway to Employment is designed to assist people who may not have had employment experiences to identify career goals through exploration and community experiences. The service may be combined with other OPWDD programs and is intended to assist in the preparation of people interested in employment.

Services focus on:

  • Pre-employment Skills
  • Integrated Community Vocational Experiences
  • Development of a Vocational or Career Plan
  • Achieving the Greatest Level of Independence Possible
  • Self-Employment, Entrepreneurship

Career development opportunities are designed to match the skills and interests of the person receiving the service. By providing work experiences that advance each person’s strengths and skills, we assist people with intellectual and developmental disabilities to create an individualized career plan that will lead to gainful employment.

When the timeframe of the service has ended, the person will be equipped with a career plan that they can use to move forward toward their employment goals.

How Do I Request Services?

Information for people with developmental disabilities, their families, and professionals wishing to make a referral for services is available by calling 212-780-4491 (TTY:711) or visiting our Request Services page.

Request Services